How to use translation

Learn how to translate any spoken language into your preferred language.

Our advanced transcription and translation features empower users to engage in conversations with speakers of diverse languages.

Setting Up Spoken Languages:

  1. Access Quick Settings:

    • Open the Transcription Home page.
    • Navigate to " Quick Settings" and select "Spoken Language"
  2. Highlight Your Top Used Languages:

    • Click on Edit favorite languages...
    • You can choose from a wide range of languages by selecting them as your favorites. Simply browse through the diverse list of options and click on the heart icon to add them to your favorites.
    • Once you have made your language selections, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of our multilingual capabilities. It is important to note that you can select up to 10 languages to be spoken at the same time.
  1. Save and Apply:

    • Click "Save" to apply your language preferences.
    • The XRAI Glass App is now equipped to transcribe conversations in the selected languages.

Filter Your Favorites by Clicking on the Heart Symbol:

Transcription Options:

No Translation:

  • Opt for a genuine multilingual experience where each speaker's statements remain in their native language without any translations.


2.Auto Reverse: This option is available when you choose up to two different spoken languages, such as English and Spanish. It will automatically translate English into Spanish and Spanish into English in real-time, allowing you to have a bilingual conversation without interruptions. (Choose the two spoken languages and then go into Subtitle Language to turn this feature on) 

Learn more about how to set this up here.

3.Translate Multiple Spoken Languages into a Single Language: With this feature, you can have a single language transcription in real-time, translating up to 10 spoken languages (Microsoft only) in the same dialogue into one language. More information on how to translate your conversation in real time can be viewed below:

  1. There are two ways of changing the spoken language:
    1. Tap on your profile picture in the top right-hand corner and then select settings from the drop down 
      1. Scroll down to Spoken Language of what is being spoken to you
      2. Tap on "Spoken Language" to change the language(s) that the speaker is using
        1. Note: If selecting more than one spoken language, must all be Microsoft cloud provider.
      3. Ensure you have your "Subtitle Language" set to the singular language you would like to see the subtitles in
      4. It will auto-save
      5. Click on Back in upper left corner

    2.  Go to Quick Settings
      1. image-png-Nov-28-2023-04-24-08-1816-AMClick on the filter icon
      2. Tap on "Spoken Language" to change the language(s) that the speaker is using
        1. Note: If selecting more than one spoken language, must all be Microsoft cloud provider.
      3. Ensure you have your "Subtitle Language" set to the singular language you would like to see the subtitles in by selecting the language.image-png-Nov-28-2023-04-31-48-3265-AM
  1. Click on the microphone icon to begin the subtitles.