Setup XRAI on RayNeo X2

This article will help you set-up the pre-release version of XRAI Glass on your RayNeo X2 Glasses

In order to install XRAI Glass on your RayNeo X2 glasses it's currently required to install the application directly on to the glasses using the following steps:

  1. Connect your X2 glasses to a PC or mac using the correct cable. You can either use the USB-C to USB-A wire that came with your glasses, or a USB-C to USB-C wire. On Windows, you should hear a sound from the PC to designate it was successfully connected.

Windows instructions

  1. Download an application called SCRCPY (Screen Copy) from the following location:

  2. Extract the ZIP to your computer. Double click the 'open_a_terminal_here.bat':

Mac instructions

  1. Use Spotlight Search (Cmd + Space) and type "Terminal" or navigate to it in the Applications folder under Utilities.
  2. Run the following commands:

    brew install android-platform-tools
    brew install scrcpy

Combined instructions

  1. Run the following command: 'adb shell settings put global mercury_install_allowed 1'
  2. Then run 'scrcpy' and you should see the following:

  3. Then download the following file:
  4. Drag and drop the file on to the SCRCPY window above and you should see a message in the command prompt saying that the app was successfully installed.
  5. In the XRAI app on your phone, click on your profile picture and then settings. Scroll to the bottom and enable 'App Pairing:

  6. Click the pairing icon and then enter the code displayed inside the glasses:

  7. Hit Connect and you should see the same onboarding process you went through on your phone originally. Any setting you change are being changed on the glasses and will be remembered.
  8. The microphones on the X2 glasses by default are highly directional and will only capture audio from someone standing directly in front of you. To adjust this setting, tap your profile picture, settings, and then tap the version number 10 times and you should see the following displayed:


  9. Scroll down and you should see the following options. 'Translation' means forward-facing. 'Default' means omnidirectional:

    rayneo mic

  10. To disconnect, hit the disconnect button at the top.
  11. To re-pair the glasses to your phone triple tap the side of the glasses to display a new pairing code.
  12. To use the glasses without the phone, single-tap to start transcription and single tap again to pause. Double tap to stop transcribing.